A journey of reconciliation

"Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. "
- Psalms 23

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Getting Supplements

In the course of managing dad's condition with cancer, supplementation seems inevitable.
As his pancreas is not fully functional, he needs to tak enzymes and probiotics to help in digestion.
His list of supplements include Bromelain, papain, pancreatin, CoQ10, Omega3, pcynogenol, transfer factor, Vitamin C, Liver balance plus, kidney rescue and Essiac tea. IT is A LOT.  In the course of my purchasing, i find that the supplements cost a bomb in Singapore. They are cheaper when i order through USA. Check this out for example :-
Papain = S$90    vs  USD 12.16 from  http://www.iherb.com
Probiotics = S$55 vs USD26 from http://www.amazon.com

The list goes on. The issue maybe shipping. Some health stores in USA do not ship overseas.
i overcome this problem by creating an account with http://www.borderlinx.com.
This service is available to all citibank card holder.  For most supplement store online, domestic shipping in USA is free. U just have to pay borderlinx to DHL the stuff over. Overall costs is still a lot cheaper.
Other online supplement store  i frequent are :-

Saturday 2 July 2011

Detoxification & Cancer

Appended from 
Detoxifying is a very critical thing for cancer patients because a cancer patient is extremely toxic. 

What are you putting into your body?
The first thing you should consider is what you are putting into your body?  If you are putting in toxic foods, then your body’s going to be toxic.  You’ve got to put in clean, organic, raw, beautiful foods made by nature.  You can’t use dead, processed, pasteurized, homogenized, cooked, deactivated food. 

Imagine you have trillions of cells in your body.  Which you do, you have 70 to 100 trillion cells in your body, and every one of those cells has a garbage can.  Every nanosecond, the cell is metabolizing and creating toxins.  Then you’re ingesting toxins from the air, the food and the water that you ingest every single minute.  You’ve got to cease the introduction of more bad stuff and you’ve got to replenish it by giving your body life-giving foods.  You do that by eating foods in their most raw, alive state as possible.

What are you drinking all day long?
Water is the solution to pollution.  You have to drink great water.  You cannot use water tap water, it is loaded with chemicals.  You need to drink water that is detoxified.  There are lots of different systems out there, you can even get a whole house purification system.  A whole house purification system purifies the water that you’re bathing in, showering in, drinking and cooking in.  The other option is getting an alkaline water system in your kitchen that you can drink the water and cook with it also.  I’ve noticed over the last one to two years, that people’s kidney function is decreasing dramatically.  Why?  Because they have toxic overload and all of the toxins go to the kidney, the liver and the colon.  Those are the internal organs of detox.  Water is especially important for the kidney function.  We also have our lungs that bring in oxygen and take out carbon dioxide.

Get Rid of All Your Plastics at Home
Do not drink out of a plastic water bottle.  You can get a glass water bottle or a steel water bottle but do not drink out of plastic.  Plastic gums up the membranes in our body.  It’s the number one pollutant in man, so we have to stop the ingestion of plastics.  National Geographic did a phenomenal show, so did CNN, on all the plastics that are in the environment.  So help yourself and help the environment because all of us live off this environment, we live off this planet; so we need to take care of it.

Our liver detoxifies everything.  The Merck Manual is kind of like the Bible for doctors.  In the early 1900’s, coffee enemas were recommended in the manual to cleanse the liver and gall bladder. My cancer patients use organic coffee enemas five days a week, it’s not an option.  I have found it to be a very, very useful tool in a wonderful way because, as I said before, cancer patients are very toxic. Some of them do liver flushes but most of them will do the coffee enemas because they notice, after several weeks, they start feeling tremendously better.

The other type of cleansing is a liver-gall bladder flush.  That consists of, starting at 6 PM you start drinking Epsom salts and Vitamin C and right before you go to bed you drink olive oil and organic grapefruit juice and then you take some ornithine, which is an amino acid that helps promote the detoxification of the liver, when you wake up you drink Vitamin C and Epsom salts again.  If I have a patient with gall stones, I have them take substances to break down the gall stone for a month before the flush so they won’t have any problems.  Sometimes I also have the patients, a week before, drink apple juice to break down any stones in the liver and the gall bladder.  If they can’t have apple juice because they’re diabetic, I have them use apple pectin instead; apple cider vinegar with a little bit of raw honey is another option for breaking down gall stones.

I have my patients do a colon cleanse, at least, once a year.  If they are cancer patients, I have them do a colon cleanse more frequently. You can use Colonix or I use a kit that has a fiber and herbs and detoxification with parasites.  

Infrared Saunas
What else helps you detoxify?  I’ve had an infrared sauna in my office for approximately ten years.  Infrared is a healing wave of energy and it will draw out the toxins.  I always tell people it’s kind of like a chemical dance.  Underneath your skin, you have fat and that’s where all the toxins reside and live and so that’s why you don’t want to be overweight because if you’re overweight you’re storing more and more and more toxins.  Your fat acts as a metabolic organ in itself, it’s functioning and making lots of chemicals that have to go through the liver to be detoxified, so you are overloading the body

Detox Machines
When you have toxins, they’re positive ions.  When you put your foot in the detox machines, it creates negative ions and those negative ions attract the positive ions and pull toxins out of your body.  You put your feet in the machine for 30 minutes and the circulation is going every minute, pulling toxins out of the body.  It does work!

Heavy Metals
What other things can people detox?  In our office we check for heavy metals.  I can check for chemical overload and environmental pollutants in the body also, that’s usually done with a urine test, but I already know everyone has environmental pollutants.  We have mercury, we have lead, we have cadmium, we have arsenic, we have aluminum, and we have gadolinium. I do a heavy metal analysis to get a quantitative assessment because heavy metals are terribly deleterious to all the enzyme systems of the body.  If you don’t have the proper enzymes, you are paralyzing the metabolic system and creating a lot of free radicals.  This causes destruction to the cells, it causes neurochemical problems, reproductive problems, cardiovascular problems, mental problems, all kinds of things. How do you remove heavy metals?  We remove heavy metals through chelation.  One very important chelator is called ETDA and that is what a conventional doctor would use if a patient had elevated lead.  You would remove the lead by giving IV ETDA or oral EDTA.  There are many natural substances, like Cilantro, Chlorela and Zeolite that will also pull out chemicals and toxins.  Zeolite comes from a volcanic ash mineral and it pulls out all toxins in the body, everything that’s toxic.  It’s a natural chelator and cancer institutions are even doing research on the efficacy of Zeolite.  You have to remove these heavy metals because all toxins in the body are one more burden to the cell.

Vitamin C and Phosphocholine
Vitamin C is a wonderful and helpful detoxifier and helpful for the immune system. I will sometimes give my patients an IV Vitamin C treatment.  We also do something called IV phosphocholine to rebuild the membrane of every cell in your body.  Why do you want to protect that membrane?  You want to protect the nucleus, the mitochondria and all those wonderful things that are making that cell work so they can do their job!  The membrane is made up of essential fatty acids and phosphocholine, they’re called essential because you must have them.  The essential fatty acids are the brick and the phosphocholine is the cement, so sometimes I have to protect the cell membranes by giving very ill patients IV phosphocholine.

N-acetylcysteine is a very inexpensive amino acid.  What does it do?  It increases glutathione, naturally.  Glutathione is our master antioxidant, it helps  us get rid of free radicals and the destruction that free radicals cause.  Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Zinc; those are all great antioxidants, your diet needs to be full of all of these wonderful nutrients that act as antioxidants to help the cell detoxify.

Epsom Salt Baths and Skin Brushings
Epsom salt baths are a simple and inexpensive way to detoxify, get magnesium in the body and relax. Skin brushings are another way to detoxify the body and it’s wonderfully simple.  You buy a brush and starting with the feet, use a circular motion, moving toward the heart. This is a great detoxifier.

Depending on your clinical condition, there are several herbs that can help you detoxify your body.  There are homeopathic detox drops that cause a release of chemicals from the body.  They also address the liver and the kidney and the lymphatic system in activating and motivating these chemicals out of your body.  Let’s say you didn’t have cancer and you just want to be clean, I would do something like Zeolite every single day, a coffee enema maybe once a week or a liver cleanse every three months and a colon cleanse once a year.  Because let’s face it, there are over 80 thousand chemicals in the environment, billions of pounds of chemicals, there’s no way we’re going to clean it up in this day and time so you’ve got to do something to protect yourself daily.  If you were diagnosed with cancer, as I said earlier, I recommend coffee enemas every day.   But a detox is not optional, it is just as important as your nutrition and water is.